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Writer's pictureThe Spinning Barn

Zooming into Autumn!

I am currently sitting at my desk in my barn listening to the torrential rain beating down on the roof which is actually one of my favourite sounds. It does remind me however that Autumn is most definitely here and that was most apparent as I tended my flock of sheep this morning who were all desperately trying to shelter from the driving wind and rain. It did make me question how on earth they cope on their blustery native island. The sheep just popped their little heads out of their shelter when they heard me arrive on the yard but I could almost feel them deliberating as to whether to brave the elements or not. Mostly they did not until they spied me with the wheelbarrow stacked high with lovely new straw bedding to keep them cosy on this horrible day. I felt like a proud mummy again, preparing a cosy, neat bed for my children however guess what the sheep did? Yes, they ate their new bedding!!! t least I don't remember my children doing the same! Today's foul weather has brought the summer to a rather abrupt end and has sparked more determination on my part to spend the inevitable cooler days planning ahead for Spring which seems a long way off.

It was only at the start of September that I was able to re-open for workshops and I am absolutely thrilled that bookings have been coming in and I have been teaching again. I do however feel as if I am walking a tight rope during these unpredictable times. I am working so hard to implement all Covid safety precautions, including the downloading of a Track & Trace QR poster to enable visitors to register their attendance on the NHS app if they choose to in the hope that I may be able to positively influence the health of even one person. However, this is where I feel I may slip off the tight rope if further restrictions or another lockdown dictates how my business, pleasure and friendships may be affected again.

Our social group was also on hold during the summer while we carried out some much-needed renovations to the barn but we were able to meet in September. The group really reminded me how our crafts support friendships and maintain a sense of community and as I sit here still listening to the rain I am feeling really despondent knowing that the required outdoor meetings during the pandemic are just not going to happen for much longer - but I do have a plan.........More on that in the Spring!

With my positive head back on I am continuing to create the online hand spinning course which is almost ready for release and I am so excited by that. I am also able to offer Zoom sessions for 1:1 advice which I hope will support anybody with a spinning problem or just looking to expand their spinning repertoire. I know that following a workshop one may find themselves floundering a little while perfecting new skills and sometimes it just needs someone to sit there to offer guidance. Luckily in this technological age that is possible and I hope will continue to inspire many new spinners. Also in these uncertain times it may be more appropriate to indulge in crafts from home rather than travelling and I hope that having more options to learn will inspire spinners to maintain their craft in the safest way for them. Arranging this will be quite straightforward. I just require an email detailing your specific requirements and we shall then arrange a zoom meeting with the link being forward to you. Simples! More information on this will soon appear on my website but if you have any questions I would be delighted to hear from you.

So now I must brave the storm and dash to the house for lunch! Do please keep me informed of all your news. I really love to hear about and see your projects and progress.

Lots of love, Theresa xx

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